We pray that your Sabbath will be truly blessed! May YHVH lift up His countenance upon you and give you His peace! May He bless you and yours in ways that reach beyond anything you have ever known! May He grant you a vision for Messiah Yeshua’s restored Kingdom. May He empower you by His Ruach to be able to walk in it!
We will soon be celebrating Shavuot/Pentecost (May 19th). During this time of expectant counting we are praying that the hearts of those of Redeemed Israel might be filled with a powerful, life-changing infilling of the Rauch HaKodesh.
On a Shavuot day long ago, the children of Israel were given the Ten Commandments. Moses said of them, “He declared to you His covenant which He commanded you to perform, that is, the Ten Command-ments; and He wrote them on two tablets of stone” (Deu 4:13).
Sadly, they were not able to walk in YHVH’s eternal Covenant and that lead to the death of 3000 souls. So He promised His children a “New Covenant,” one in which His Holy Spirit would write His commandments on their heart (Exo 32; Jer 31:31-33; Heb 8:10). This giving of the Spirit also happened on a Shavuot Day, and 3000 souls came to know the precious gift of eternal life. They became new creations in Messiah Yeshua. He had told His disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they were filled with power from on High (Acts 2:41; Luke 24:49; 2 Cor 5:17). Why was this power given?
In our day, many people focus on the gifts and “signs” of the Spirit. We might even say they “set up camp” at them. But signs are meant to give direction. The signs of the Ruach HaKodesh are meant to give evidence that we are walking in YHVH’s Covenant. The Holy Spirit is given that we might be empowered to walk in the Commandments that were long ago given to our fathers.
That is the primary reason why we want a profound fulfillment of the Feast of Shavuot. It symbolizes us being empowered to walk in the ways of our Heavenly Father.
If you are looking for study materials for Shabbat, check out the Scripture Studies posted by various friends and see the Jewish Coloring Pages for the children. Also, please keep us in prayer as we move forward in creating coloring pages that will reflect our Redeemed Israel faith to children. If you have suggestions for this project, please drop a note to Batya right away.
We also invite you to check our our “Teachings” Page, and to read our latest Herald Newsletter, “Shall We Gather” by Susan Hardin:
Finally, if you want to be greatly encouraged in your faith, watch this awesome song/video, “Blow the Shofar” by James-Gayle OHare! Excellent! Well done!
The initials for ALLIANCE of REDEEMED ISRAEL are A.R.I., the Hebrew word for Lion; which comes from arah, which means to gather. As you gather for Shabbat, we pray that you will know that the Lion of Judah is watching over you and that you will be greatly encouraged!