Among our speakers at our upcoming ARI Gathering in Orlando over Labor Day Weekend will be our prolific Facebook friend, Ken Rank.

Ken is a concise teacher who gets right to the point with incredible clarity. He regularly hosts enlightening and encouraging discussions on Facebook and he has a blog that is filled with good teachings. Ken is also a learned disciple of Frank Houtz, of Dry Bones Restoration Company. You can find both of their sites here:

Both Ken and Frank will be teaching us about different aspects of worship – from a refreshing Hebraic perspective. To give you a taste of Ken’s style, we are re-posting one of his many Facebook Postings. He writes:

A recent thread produced many things we should be focused on in our walk. Here is my “current” top 10 list:

  1. Never take your eyes off your Master!
  2. Make sure you take the time to get taught before teaching!
  3. Always remember that God extended a hand of grace to you when you deserved none… do the same for others!
  4. Don’t stress over details, God probably isn’t as worried about them as we think.
  5. Don’t play the word game, words are defined by the culture and time they are currently being used, not how (and even if) a long lost culture defined them!
  6. Don’t divide over petty issues; the body is too important to house drama queens!
  7. Submission to a Lord means we do things as HE desires, not as WE desire!
  8. “Indifference” is not a godly character trait!
  9. None of this is about YOU… it is about the Kingdom and about others!
  10. Never forget that love is the foundation of our walk, without love we are useless!



Our long time friends, Lenny and Varda will be with us and sharing from their new CD: Israel Arise!

Lenny is from Liverpool and Varda is a Sabra, a native born Israeli. Years ago they were professional musicians on a cruise ship and one day, the late Zola Levitt was leading a group on their ship. Soon, Lenny and Varda met the Master, and they have been instead sailing with Him ever since.

In 1998, having met Angus and Batya, and hearing them teach about both the houses of Israel, Lenny asked the Lord to give him a song for them and their upcoming meeting. Abba dropped the song “Ephraim and Judah” into Lenny’s heart while he was walking on the beach, and Lenny and Varda have been singing about the restoration of the whole house of Israel ever since. Now, they are finishing their 10th CD!

We are indebted to this precious couple and look forward to hearing the songs that the Holy Spirit has been writing on their hearts.

Their CD is not yet finished and we will keep you updated on their progress.

See “Ephraim and Judah” on Youtube:

See their web site here:
We hope you will join us and our friends for to Worship!