Sabbath Blessings to you and yours from the Alliance of Redeemed Israel!

Shavuot is our next feast, and the picture to the right is a beautiful reminder of its empowering promises. It is done by friend and ARI Adviser, artist and calligrapher, Anita Robertson. It is called, “Shavuot Fire.” She writes, “Fire is most often thought of as destructive, but in the Torah it is also an instrument of cleansing. What is called the Day of Pentecost in the New Testament was actually the Festival of Shavuot. It was in some ways a parallel of what happened on Mt. Sinai when the Torah was given to the fledgling nation of Israel. (Exodus Chapter 19) ‘And in the fulfilling of the day of Shavuot, they were all with one mind in the same place. And suddenly a sound came out of heaven, as being borne along by a violent wind! And it filled all the house where they were sitting. And tongues of fire appeared to them, being distributed, and it sat on each one of them. And they were all filled of the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave ability to them to speak.’ Acts 2:1-4 LITV.” Order the artwork here:

Remember Holocaust Remembrance Day, April 8th!

To help you celebrate Shabbat we invite you to read the Scripture Studies and Torah Portions posted by our friends. See them here:

We posted our latest Herald Newsletter and we are getting excellent feedback on the articles, “We Declare,” plus “Our Hope,” and “Lifestyle Suggestions.” We are now mailing out hard copies to ARI Supporters. To become a Supporter and receive a free Herald Newsletter in the mail, see
Click here to download a PDF of the Herald

We have your answers to our question about our ARI Gathering, Round Table Discussion. We asked what issues you would like to have us discuss, and you essentially asked for the following:

* Scriptural evidence that confirms that Believers should grow in Torah understanding, plus answers to common objections concerning Torah.
* Discuss eternal security as it relates to physical Israel’s salvation.
* What can we actually do to bridge the gap of misunderstanding between Ephraimites and Judahites?
* How can we keep things simple and not let so many issues divide us?
* How can we teach the people to hear from the Spirit for their selves?
* Discuss issues about Messiah’s Deity.

We are planning to discuss these things and much more, so it should make for a lively, day-long meeting! Don’t miss it!
The initials for ALLIANCE of REDEEMED ISRAEL are ARI, the Hebrew word for Lion; which comes from arah, which means to gather. And, we hope you will join us for our upcoming Labor Day ARI Gathering in Orlando. Please plan on joining us for an inspiring experience:

May your Shabbat be a blessed one!
Alliance of Redeemed Israel

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